Thursday, October 23, 2014


Animals have incredible bite strength we mainly measure them is PSI or Pounds per Square Inch, which is basically self explanatory, if you are being bitten and the force is 100PSI, that’s basically 100 pounds on every square inch of the bite area, HEY! Some people don’t know this and that’s ok because now you know! To compare ,a human’s top bite strength measures at 120 PSI let’s see how strong animals can be!



20. Cougar

These animals have strong jaws, strong enough to crush bones and skulls of
large prey such as horse skulls, their bite strength is at 350PSI


19. Gray Wolf
These canines have big and heavy teeth, which are suited to crush bones with a few bites, their bite strength measures at 406PSI


 18.Domestic Dog
Man’s best friend has several races that have powerful jaws like the American pitbull: 235PSI, the German Shepherd:238PSI, the Rottweiler:328PSI and the
Mastiff with an incredible :556PSI


 17. Great White Shark
You were probably expecting sharks to be closer to #1 but the truth is that these predators don’t need much strength , as their
razor sharp teeth cut trough flesh like a hot knife through butter, their jaw strength is 669PSI



16. African Lion
These felines don’t have much force but, like the shark, they don’t rely on jaw strength to crush bones, instead, they kill their prey usually by
strangulation, they measure at 691PSI



 15. Jaguar
These cats’ bite are adapted to pierce through skulls also to pierce turtle shells, they have the strongest bite compared to size in the cat family 700PSI.



 14. Brown Bear
Bears aren’t primarily carnivorous, their teeth are big and the canines are large, their teeth, however, are adapted to
eat vegetables, they measured at 850PSI.

 13. Kodiak Bear
Also know as “Alaskan Grizzly Bear”, these mammals can weigh up to 1,500 pounds (estimate, as not many Kodiak Bears have been weighed in the wild), their bite strength measures up to 930PSI



 12. Siberian Tiger
hese tigers have very strong jaws as well as very sharp teeth, they hunt large prey and go for the throat and keep biting until the prey dies from strangulation, they measure at 950PSI.

11. Alligator Snapping Turtle
These reptiles have
no teeth, don’t put your finger inside their mouth though, they are not called “Snapping” for nothing, they will easily amputate a human finger in less than a second, their force measures at 1004PSI


10. Bengal Tiger
beautiful cats (like the Siberian tiger) has strong jaws and very sharp teeth as with the Siberian tiger, it goes for the throat! Its jaws measures a strong 1050PSI


 9. Spotted/Striped Hyena
These animals’ diet consists of rotten meat and their teeth are designed to go through hardened flesh, their bites measures at 1100 PSI.


 8. Polar Bear
These beautiful white bears are the largest bears of the
bear family, unlike the rest, their diet consists mainly of seals and their jaws are strong at 1235 PSI


7. Grizzly Bear
The famous grizzly bear, these bears have very strong teeth and yes, they are mainly vegetarian, its
jaw force measures at 1250PSI


 6. Bull Shark
This type of shark has the most powerful bite of the shark family, they really don’t need to be that strong however, just like the great white their teeth are
razor sharp and yes, they will cut like a knife through butter, they measure at 1250PSI.


5. Silverback Gorilla
These primates don’t have very sharp teeth, but, they do have big teeth and a very strong neck and powerful
jaw muscles, their diet consists of plants and hard bamboos, they measure at 1300PSI




 4. Hippopotamus
These large animals can open their mouth wider than most animals, their teeth are not sharp.
They have the strongest bite among all mammals, they are herbivores and their bite measures at 1821PSI

 3. American Alligator
These reptiles have strong, sharp teeth to hold on to prey, they also have very powerful muscles and can close the jaws and hold
them shut, their strength measures at 2125PSI



 2. Nile Crocodile
Crocodiles have smaller jaw muscles, they have a weak jaw opening strength, but a very powerful
closing strength which measures an incredible 5000PSI



 1.Saltwater Crocodile
This reptile has the strongest bite force in all of the animal kingdom! Just like the Nile Crocodile  they have weak opening force but strong closing force, measuring off the scale at a whopping 7700PSI

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